


Test Lab is Dockerized and can easily be deployed to the server of your choice or AWS Elastic Container Service.

Install the Test Lab Application

The Test Lab suite includes the Admin UI, the backend server, and a PostgreSQL database. Start by cloning the Test Lab Docker Repository.

$ git clone https://github.com/TestL-ab/testlab-docker.git
$ cd testlab-docker

Deploy to a Local or Virtual Server

To launch Test Lab in detached mode:

$ docker-compose up -d

To spin down and removed the stopped containers:

$ docker-compose down

Deploy to the AWS Elastic Container Service

To deploy to ECS using docker compose, you need to have set up a user with admin persmissions on an AWS account.

If you have not already done so, run

$ docker context create ecs my_ecs_context

to create an Amazon ECS Docker context named my_ecs_context. If you have already installed and configured the AWS CLI, the setup command lets you select an existing AWS profile to connect to Amazon.

Make sure you are in the ecs context by using

$ docker context use my_ecs_context


$ docker compose up

to start the application on the ECS, and

$ docker compose down

to stop the application.

$ docker compose ps

shows the status of the containers and the address where they can be reached.

Future Work